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Our trainings provide a rich and diverse exploration of self through the path of yoga. Our intention is to engage you in cultivating a solid personal practice and understanding of this body of wisdom which can’t help but ripple out into the world, whether you plan to teach or not.

The Mindfulish School is committed to serving up practices that are empowering, sustainable & inclusive. We believe that yoga and well-being should be available to everyone regardless of body type, age, past, gender or ethnicity. Our teachings are infused with the aspiration of unity as we strive to truly LIVE OUR YOGA


Now open for enrollment

200-hr Yoga Teacher Training - Bali Hybrid

Jan 22 - Apr 1, 2025

Are you curious about embarking on a journey to enrich your relationship with both self and the world through the path of yoga?  Our foundational training has a rich curriculum that reaches both deep and wide, into the profound heart of these powerful practices.

300-hr Yoga Teacher Training

We welcome teachers and dedicated students to refine their skills and personal practice with in-depth, experiential learning for both practice and application. Join individual units at your own pace, or register for all 300hrs at once.

KRAMA - 50 Hours

April 30 - June 1 2025

Skillful Facilitation + Creation

SOMA - 100 Hours

June 25 - Sep 7 2025

Remembering our way Home​

LILA - 100 Hours

Oct 1 - Dec 14 2025

Joyful Devotion

SATI - 50 Hours

Jan 7 - Feb 8 2026

Returning to Spaciousness

Colorado Retreat
Mythic Mountain

June 19-23, 2024

Gather with us outside of Pagosa Springs, COLORADO in the San Juan Mountains for 4 nights/5 days of rich practice and self investigation on a unique historic ranch, surrounded by stunning mountain views.

We’ll utilize our yoga to investigate the heart of our personal stories and our ancient and collective human mythologies. Expect hiking, hot springs, incredible meals & views, joyful explorations + connected kinship!

“We practice in good times so that we will have the momentum to practice in the bad ones. We practice when it is easy so that we will practice when it is hard. We practice in a safe, controlled setting so that when it is scary and uncertain we will know what to do. We practice in the light what we wish to remember to do in the dark.”

– Rolf Gates

Our focus isn’t on perfect poses, attaining enlightenment, or even self-improvement — rather we seek to create a deeper relationship with who we already are, honoring all the many facets that make us whole.

From this steady center, we can meet our community and the world with presence, tenderness, and maybe even a little humor.

We aim to not only share knowledge but more importantly, to LEARN together. Learning is a verb, it is alive, shifting and requires the willingness to suspend what we think we know.

Our Philosophy

We believe yoga has ample space for everyone & encourage both depth & width in our teachings.
We aim to inspire a unique connection to this practice & we celebrate the diversity possible!
We always encourage self choice, sovereignty & trust. We offer guidance, but you are your guru!
We welcome all parts of self, both the shadow & the light (& all the shades in between!).
We honor the roots of yoga & practice devotion to how it unfolds within.
We know there is always more to learn and unlearn, and we lean strongly lean into both curiosity & wonder.
We walk the talk, practicing yoga in our lives, not just on our mats.
200-hr Teacher Training

Embark on a joyful exploration of the pillars of yoga while gaining the knowledge and confidence to deepen your personal practice and share it with others. “Now, the yoga begins.” Sutra 1.1.

200-hr Teacher Training

Embark on a joyful exploration of the pillars of yoga while gaining the knowledge and confidence to deepen your personal practice and share it with others. “Now, the yoga begins.” Sutra 1.1.

300-hr Teacher Training

Refine your teaching as we go far beyond the basics and spend more focused time examining specific topics like meditation, inclusive sequencing, and the brain. Expect to leave with depth and clarity for your students and yourself!

With every breath I plant the seeds of devotion. I am a farmer of the heart.

– Rumi

A note from Jacq + Cole:
Hey beautiful human. We’re so glad you’re curious about the path of deepening your relationship to joy through self discovery on and off the mat. Our yoga practice goes far beyond the physical postures! It is a rich, colorful, life long path where the learning never ends. It just keeps on giving, keeps on supporting, and IT is always there for US! This is just the beginning and we are so excited to walk alongside you as your own special journey unfolds. We know this is a big decision and we are 100% here to support you along the way. Please reach out with any & all questions.

With hearts wide open,
Jacq + Cole